Many DUI Wins!!
Many Reckless Driving Wins!!
Car Accident Attorney
Car Accident Lawyer with over 20 years of experience.
Serving Manassas, Woodbridge, Leesburg, Fairfax, Centreville, Gainesville, Warrenton,Dale City, Dumfries, Haymarket, Herndon, Reston,Alexandria and all locations in Prince William County, Fairfax County, Fauquier County, Stafford County, Loudoun County, Culpepper County, and Spotsylvania County.
Every year there are approximately 100,000 car accidents in the State of Virginia. Many of these car accidents cause serious injuries or death to a person, or their passenger, who was abiding by the driving laws of Virginia. Many times the victim of a car accident will have a difficult time with current and future medical bills, lost income from missing work, pain and suffering, damage to their vehicle, and other expenses.

Common Causes of a Car Accident include:
- Speeding or Reckless Driving by the party at fault
- Someone driving while fatigued or overworked
- Someone driving who is not paying proper attention or is distracted
- Someone driving who has a defective part to a vehicle
If you or a family member has been injured in a car accident caused by the negligence of another, the law in Virginia allows you to be compensated for the following:
- Medical bills (current and future)
- Lost income and wages (current and future)
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Any permanency of injuries
- Property damage
See our section on Serious Personal Injuries, Accidents Dos and Dont’s, FAQ, Damages and Compensation and Wrongful Death.
The Law Office of James J. McCoart, III, has successfully handled hundreds of car accident cases. It is important that you have an experienced car accident attorney, such as James J. McCoart, III, representing you in your car accident case.
Never settle for anything less than what the law allows you.
James J. McCoart, III has represented injured people in car accident matters for over 20 years. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, then contact The Law Office of James J. McCoart, III, by telephone, (703) 369-2734, or email. We will immediately respond to your needs and concerns.